As we approach the end of July, families are facing a few unknown situations. Will there be a second wave and if so, how do you prepare? What will be the new methods of schooling for children? Will current COVID-19 assistance programs be extended? With limited income and resources, how should you prioritize your spending?

Before you go down that rabbit hole, I encourage you to check out this article. Now, more than ever is the opportunity to set aside time to create a plan. Our lives are used to events and activities that do not allow us to be proactive. Begin reactive can
be very stressful. Think about how you felt the last time you planned something and followed through with that plan. How did it make you feel? I’m sure it made you feel great!
With the summer ending let’s look at how you can create a plan for a few of these unknown situations. Grab a pen, pencil, notepad, phone, or your computer. Let’s go!
Will there be a second wave and if so, how do I prepare?
First, let me start by saying, I am not a medical expert. I assume with flu season around the corner many states are preparing to contain the second wave. Which means we should plan for a continuation of social distancing.
Planning your preparation:

2. Purchase and utilize masks and sanitizing products (check your local gas stations, grocery stores, and hospital for some courtesy resources)
3. Prioritize you and your family’s safety
4. Create a disaster and emergency plan
What will be the new methods of schooling for our children?
If you have not heard anything from your child’s school or district, they are more than likely considering 3 options: 1) in-school instruction with social distancing 2) all virtual learning or 3) a combination of the two. What can you do to prepare while these decisions are being made?
Planning your preparation:
1. Create a schedule for your household. Include you and your children’s school, work, and learning activities, and any other individuals’ schedule in the home. I created a google calendar for me and my kids, then I synced our calendars! It has been a lifesaver.
2. Have your child use online educational apps (ASAP) so they can get back into online learning before school begins.
3. Have a conversation with your child about the importance of social distancing
Will current COVID-19 assistance programs be extended?
Based on the news, there are ongoing debates (check out your preferred news outlets) on the extension of COVID-19 relief resources and programs. Check out these resources until decisions are finalized.

Access Kent provides resources for the following:
1. General Information
2. Food Assistance
3. Utility Assistance
4. Financial Assistance
With limited income and resources, how should I prioritize my spending?
COVID-19 has been full of life shifting moments for many of us. Prioritizing income has been a major shift for families and communities. I highly recommend you consider the following because it will help you take more control of your money!
1. Check out my how-to video on how to create, implement and sustain your spending plan or budget
2. Create a realistic spending plan or budget (purchase a planner or you can use a budgeting app)
3. Review your spending plan at least every two weeks - decrease your expenses or increase your income if necessary
4. If you are planning to budget as a couple this checklist is sure to help you prepare
5. Create an emergency fund (start with $200 -$500) to plan for emergencies such as job loss, medical, or car trouble
6. Finally, set up some support and accountability – you need an accountability partner…I recommend a financial coach or advisor
Hopefully, these tips help you prepare for the second wave. You can do this…create time for it and remind yourself that you and your family are capable. If you have any questions visit you can email